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Uni Kawa Shipibo Healing Center for World Peace

We are currently in the process of supporting our friends from the Shipibo Tribe to establish a healing center in Peru. We are feeling inspired to share with you our personal experiences and visions from sharing time with our friends from the Shipibo Tribe in the Peruvian Amazon. We have experiences incredible opportunities for our own healing and for us to help the broader Shipibo community.


We are developing a World Peace Healing center ~ a space for friends and family to come heal with the power of the jungle and the sacred wisdom of the Shipibo lineage. It is a space to experience renewal and a place to learn.









"Our mission is to create a center for holistic healing and cultural exchange, offering shamanic healing with ayahuasca, nature adventures, and learning experiences. We're dedicated to preserving the Shipibo culture and empowering visitors from the Western world to care for themselves and contribute to local communities. Through these efforts, we aim to foster peace, wellness, and compassion."


At this phase

We are currently raising funds to provide

~a well for the community

~ a central Maloka for Ceremony for Uni Kawa

~upgrade to infrastructure on the property

~ A food donation program for the broader Shipibo community

~ Medical costs for treatments for our Shipibo family

~restoration of habitat

~installation of solar power















About the Shipibo


The Ucayali River is the main headstream of the Amazon River. It rises about 110 km north of Lake Titicaca, in the Arequipa region of Peru and becomes the Amazon at the confluence of the Marañón close to Nauta city. The city of Pucallpa is located on the banks of the Ucayali.


For over 2000 years, the Shipibo indigenous tribes in the Ucayali region of the Amazon River basin have been considered the caretakers of the jungle. 

Previously two distinct tribes, the Shipibo and Conibo, they became a single tribe due to intermarriage and cultural similarities.To this day, they maintain many of the traditions of their ancestors, including the ritual use of Ayahuasca and other plant medicines of the Amazon. With one foot in the past while living in the 21st century, they strive to uphold the wisdom gathered from millenia of living in the richest and most biodiverse region in the world.


Inspiration to Create Uni Kawa:

Upon arriving in the rain in a canoe to the Shipibo Village of San Francisco, we were greeted by a young boy swimming like a river dolphin. He emerged at our canoe with a huge smile, and began carrying our bags over to the motorcar of his father Bruce. We climbed aboard and made our way through the mud to the town center where we me his grandfather Heriberto. He was wearing a whit T-shirt with a heart and the word love, matching the dream I had the night before. He invited us to their Maloka in nature outside of town. The drivers successfully navigated numerous deep mud holes, many of which we had to jump out and help push and pull the motorkar through, until we arrived at the center. It was simple, 2 small Cabanas, a Maloka, and a palm roof covered Cocina and eating area.


That night we entered into Ceremony in the Shibipo Tradition. Heriberto prayed giving thanks to all of the plant teachers and anccestors and served us their home made Medicini Madre Ayahuasca.


When he began to sing Icaros, the Shipibo songs of nature, we entered into a beautiful, miraculous realm of light, sacred animals, and life transforming, heart opening visions.


After closing the ceremony heriberto shared his visions for a healing center to help the amigos, people from the outer world that could benefit from the healing energy of the Plants and the Ancient Shipibo healing methods.


We shared our gratitude and our inspiration to help create this center and serve as allies to the Shipibo Community, especially the children and future generations.


This year we joined their family for our our third year in a row for a three week healing experience.


Every Ceremony opened us to receive more visions and inspirations of how to grow the Center and be of service to the Shipibo and the Planet.


One day while helping to pound and cook Ayahuasca with his son Bruce, Bruce shared the Shipibo word for the Vine Ayahuasca “Uni” and the leaf Chakruna, “Kawa” which are combined in the brew to make Medicini Ayahuasca, which they honor as the Grandmother of all healing remedies. I felt “Uni Kawa” was a beautiful name for our center and everyone resonated.


We agreed to help them officially register their land and the the Uni Kawa organization. We met with a lawyer and formed a five person committee to steward the Center.


Sacred Exchange between worlds; a way to help each other. 

When we are with the Shipibo it really does feel like being in a different world. The stress, the fast pace, the pressure, the time clock, the worry, the status, and the drive to accomplish things to prove our value, all seem to disappear.

The first thing that really touched us was the expression of love from the children; the way they smile, look into our eyes, and hug us again and again.

We observed an effortless harmony amongst their big extended family. They all help each other, each filling the needed roles, and usually laughing and thoroughly enjoying the process, whether it’s cooking, washing dishes, building, harvesting yucca, or whatever else is needed for life to go.

The people live with a deep sense of presence, spaciousness, and enjoyment of companionship. It seems they always have time to connect with each other, to talk, play, help out, share a meal a story, or take a siesta in a hammock.

The cycle of food is central to life. All the food is cooked masterfully on a fire. The food is a combination of what they grow on the land, fish from the river, and buy from the town of Pucallpa. It seems there is always someone preparing or cooking food, and often many guests throughout the day who are always fed upon arrival. The families eat together and often share from the same dish.

So How can we help.

By sharing resources. It is very common for families to have times when their is not enough money to pay for food, clothes, healthcare, fixing a house, or growing a dream or project.

Most people have no savings, very few possessions, and very simple living conditions.

Overall their are very few jobs, and most pay very little. Their is limited education and opportunities.

In our times there we have found ourselves investing into their families and communities often to beyond the limit of our budget or savings. Why? Because the need is very real and the opportunity to truly help people, to better their lives is very real. It is a fulfilling feeling to be able to help another in need.

We learned that there are many orphans in the village, and many children with only a mother. We organized a day to feed all of these children, and to connect and share love with them through music, playing peace sticks, and sharing in a circle. It was one of the most wonderful days of our life.

Our Maestro Heriberto often comes to us sharing that he wakes up at three in the morning asking himself how can I do this. How can I earn the money to care for my sick family members, to provide food, education. And How he can build the healing center of his dreams. The first need is a well.


We tell him there is a way and we can help.

We tell him about all of our friends and family around the world who have cars, and careers, and some who have money to invest in projects like these. We also tell him that although in general people have a lot more things and money in our world, we also have a whole different set of challenges.

We share of the stressful way of life, the rush, the processed foods, and toxic environments. We share of the conflict in families and relationships, the psychological and emotional trauma and afflictions of addiction, anxiety, depression, separation, and the health range of challenges, and negative effects of pharmaceutical medical treatment.

He says with a deep knowing, bring them here, we can help them heal. The Amazon has a plant for every illness.


From our own experiences over these three years we agree whole heartedly. Both Amaya and I have experienced what we describe as the deepest healing experiences of our lives, on every level, mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. The care we have received from their entire family including the specialized healing from Heriberto, and at least four other curandero/as in their family include, special diets, herbal remedies, sacred plant baths, massage, body work and bone setting, intestinal cleansing practices, and energetic shamanic healing in ceremony.

We are also living in a supercharged healing environment, surrounded by sounds of the jungle, fresh air, food from the earth, a peaceful relaxed atmosphere, and genuine love and caring from their whole family.


We have experienced many miracles in the ways we have helped them and they us. Our role is to be the bridge that opens the exchange of miracles between the Shipibo and outside world.


We feel deep gratitude for all the support we receive for

The World Peace Tribe Mission

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